Cailee Trost 27 May, 1974 – 16 July, 2023


27 May, 1974 – 16 July, 2023

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Anita Long

Micham Hospital - Chrisotpher is here! How young Cailee is. Welcome to the world Chirs - she was so happy you arrived!

Anita Long

Chris and Cailee 1992

Anita Long

Your gone, and I hope you are at peace! I had not seen you for …well a long time. My earliest memory of you, is you went missing in Prep, and their you were asleep under the nature table in Mrs Hewett’s class. After that well…. gymnastics and 50c - $1.00 worth of chips that we would scoff down before we were meant to twirl and spin on beams and bars, however you were far more flexible than me! You held your breath back and forth in the pool in Park Orchards and made me hold my breath on dry land! You twirled on the neighbour’s trampoline without fear. Oh, we kept growing… left different schools … high school – wow that did not really work at times for either of us! Yes, we still stayed in contact – moving onto different things. Your hairdressing at one point, thought you rocked that on the manikin hair doll and the painful braids you did! Faster still… 17, I went to Canada, you were pregnant. I arrived back and their you were a Mum to an amazing little babe Christopher. Faster still, you met Ian, I have Oliver, Chris grew to a young man. You sailed down the Yarra and married Ian dressed in a red sari, me pregnant with my girls. Oh, that is just a fleeting snap of everything I knew about you - missing parts and all the in-betweens! I will miss my oldest friend from a long time ago, your smile, your wit – even when whacky or left of centre! ox