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My deepest condolonces to the Karaoglanis family for the loss of a great father and a loving husband. I didnt have the pleasure of getting close to him in the past few years but from what I remember of him at rollerskating for one of Karlas birthday was that he was one of a kind. Never failed to make a joke, always making sure that everyone was having fun and if not, would once again crack a joke. He was truly one of a kind and he will be missed by many for his unique character. I am sorry I am unable to attend the funeral but still passing on my condolences and love to the Karaoglanis family and hope that you find peace in these harsh moments. Love you all and wishing you the best. from the Vallejo-Rojas family <3
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Jill May
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May God surround you with comfort and love at this sad time. Praying for the Karaoglanis Family.
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You were taken way too soon, but you left in the best possible way, brave until the end, and your humour still in full force.
Rest In Peace young man. You fought a courageous battle!
Condolences to the entire family.
Paul and Maria Caraglanis
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My condolences to your family. I have Never met Daniel. For all I know he is benevolent person. Always maintain positive energy surround people. Mentally stronger than any brave communities soldier I have heard 🪖. It that was me I can't handle it. You don't know what's going to be in the end but choose to continue the journey . I am so impressed and moved by your will.
I will get to know you better in 70 years.
Rest in peace 🕊️
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