The following messages of condolence and symbols
have been added in memory of Flora.

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Peter & Patti Jarvis on 12 July, 2023 at 11:58am

So sorry to hear of your loss, Flo was such a lovely cousin. The last time i spoke with her was just before last Christmas, she called me on her mobile to get brother Berts phone number i told her i would call her back as i may cut her off trying to find it in my mobile, i was taken back by her comment, " Oh just text me it " Good lord i thought here is a 94 year old lady who can get txt messages. She never failed to send us a christmas card each year. God bless her she is now at peace. Love to you all. Peter Patti & families❤❤

Max & Liz Butcher on 12 July, 2023 at 11:53am

Dear Wayne, Paula, Steve and family
I guess all families have a favorite Aunt and I like many other in our extended family Aunty Flora was mine.
She was just such a loving generous person who always had the ability to connect with us all in our early years and into our later lives.
The many stays with her over the years while we were traveling from one destination to another were full of welcoming and love and every evening meal seemed to finish with ice-cream, she did love her ice-cream.
When my mum was living next door and Aunty Flora was over visiting, at the front door, we had what we called the hugging step. Just the right height so I could give those two beautiful sisters a big hug on leaving.
Forever in our hearts.
Max & Liz

Emily Morgan on 12 July, 2023 at 7:56am

Auntie Flora was always the fun aunt with a twinkle in her eye and a comment to make us smile. As children, we were always excited to hear she was visiting. I haven't seen Auntie Flora for many years but she never let me go. When my daughter was born, who she never had the chance to meet, Auntie Flora made her the most beautiful crocheted blanket. Thank you, Flora, for bringing joy to your family.

Donald and Wendy Cocker on 10 July, 2023 at 11:36am

Dear Wayne and Paula,

Although Wendy and I are far away in Hawaii, we are so saddened to know Auntie Flora has died. From our recent little chat with her while you were visiting her in hospital, we felt she was not her bright self. She was always supportive and even in hospital she wished us a happy holiday. She often asked about our activities, and we always warmed to her. At least 20 years ago she sent us a Christmas card. Tucked inside was a little card with a baby polar bear image and the words “Help me to remember, Lord, that nothing’s going to happen today that you and I can’t handle together”. I would not be surprised if you know the card. Well, we have always carried her card and it is sitting on the table beside me, in Hawaii. Lately I have often told her she is my oldest friend of about the last 70 years (discounting my sisters).

So, we are saddened, but for you both and your family the sadness is greatly magnified. It is hard to bear. We understand and believe she is in a better place with no pain or difficult conditions to accept. You have been such faithful children and carers for her and now there will be big hole in your lives.

This little message comes with our love, and please know that we have you all very much in mind and in prayer,

Wendy and Donald

Paula Glare on 10 July, 2023 at 9:36am

Hey Mum,
Remember no wild parties without me!❤️💔❤️

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